Sunday, 17 May 2015

Saturday, 16 May 2015

I thought I didn't ask for much, but apparently I do.

I just want some quality gay and lesbian movies that a) don't end in tragedy, or b) are trashy sex movies.

Really? Those are my only options. There are no in betweens!!


Do I have to write this myself? I may have to. 


If you have any suggestions, let me know.

Friday, 15 May 2015

*whispers* Dear Japan, please stop teaching your women that they are ‘impure’ for wanting to hold hands with their boyfriends.

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore “My Love Story/Ore Monogatari”, a new anime that’s come out in the last month. It’s not your typical story, with a young pretty girl falling for the big gorilla type character Takeo.

But in one of the newest episodes, Yamato expresses that she is not as ‘good’ as Takeo thought she was, saying she was impure for wanting to ‘hold hands and snuggle and stuff.’

Are we just super free with our affections here in North America? Is this a culture thing? How is it ‘impure’ to hold hands with someone you’re dating?

Please, if you have some info for me, let me know in the comments. I’m very interested.

In the meantime I will definitely continue to watch My Love Story because it makes my girlfriend and I squeal with joy at how cute it is.

Until next time...